About Open Science Community Serbia

The Open Science Community Serbia (OSCS) was founded with the goal of promoting good Open Science practices and facilitating cooperation and knowledge exchange between researchers and librarians. The initiative to launch the OSCS was started in March 2021 and the founding meeting was held on November 2, 2021.

Applications for membership in the OSCS, which is completely free of charge, will be opened soon. Anyone who is interested is free to join our mailing list in Serbian by filling out this form.

The first Open Science Community (OSC) was founded in 2018 at Utrecht University; this initiative was later adopted by other institutions, both in the Netherlands and worldwide (source: https://inosc-starter-kit.netlify.app/docs/). At the moment, the International Network of Open Science & Scholarship Communities (INOSC) consists of 36 communities (including OSCS) and has more than 2300 members worldwide (https://osc-international.com/, accessed 2024-11-19).

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For more information about INOSC, please see this video presentation:

Open Science Community Video from Loek Brinkman on Vimeo.